- Woodland Spring Middle
- Past School Years
- 2021-22 News
2021-22 News
WSMS Art Show Takes Center Stage, 05/05/2022
It’s been three years in the making, but the first WSMS Art show will finally come to fruition on Thursday, May 12, 2022 from 4:30-6:00 PM.
Art Students Raise Funds for Always and Furever, 04/26/2022
On Monday, April 25, Mrs. Victoria, a volunteer from the Spring Hill animal sanctuary Always and Furever, visited WSMS.
Making the World a Better Place, 04/15/2022
Sixth grade STEM students have been learning how engineers make the world a better place.
Springtime Brings Kansas State Assessments, 03/31/2022
The calendar tells us it is springtime, but Old Man Winter isn’t ready to walk away just yet.
Gazzano Named Region 3 Secondary KTOY 2023, 03/28/2022
Sunday evening, March 27, art teacher Jessica Gazzano, was named the 2023 Kansas Region III Secondary Teacher of the Year!
The Spring Hill Invitational Music Festival, 03/25/2022
The Spring Hill Invitational Music Festival is back! Woodland Spring Middle school will host the invitational this Saturday, March 26.
Track - Everything Else is Just a Game, 03/11/2022
ack has started and with it comes exciting opportunities for the athletes who joined.
2022-23 Elective Course Enrollment, 03/01/2022
We have opened up elective course selection for all 5th, 6th and 7th graders.
Incoming Freshman Parent Meeting and Activity Fair, 02/24/2022
If your 8th grade student will be a freshman at Spring Hill High School next year, please plan to join us on March 9.
Recognizing Mrs. Wells - WSMS's Counselor, 02/10/2022
All across the nation, schools are celebrating their counselors.
Snow Day possibility triggers odd behavior, 02/01/2022
Flushing ice cubes down the toilet, wearing your PJs backward to bed, sleeping with a spoon under your pillow, putting a white crayon in the freezer.
Stallion Theater's Under the Big Top, 01/27/2022
WSMS Theatre is proud to present, "Under the Big Top," written by Martin Follose, directed by Paul Carter, and assisted by Meghan Weaver.
2021-2022 Yearbook Sales, 01/19/2022
The yearbook is a product of ten 8th grade students who work together to capture moments through photos, cover stories, and design layouts.
Aggur wins the WSMS 2021-22 Spelling Bee, 01/13/2022
WSMS held its annual spelling bee on January 11th and 13th.
Choirs Collaborate on Caroling Tour, 12/17/2021
Spring Hill and Woodland Spring Middle School choirs, under the direction of James Scroggins, spread some holiday cheer to others with a caroling tour on Friday, December 17th.
Canned Food Castle Competition, 11/23/2021
The WSMS PTO sponsored a food drive last week to help stock the Spring Hill Food Pantry.
Successful First Scholastic Book Fair, 11/08/2021
The first week of November brought the Scholastic Book Fair to Woodland Spring Middle School for the first time since the doors opened in 2019.
2021 Storybook Pumpkin Painting Winners, 11/01/2021
The Woodland Spring Middle School Library hosted its annual storybook pumpkin painting contest during the month of October.