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2021 Storybook Pumpkin Painting Winners, 11/01/2021

The Woodland Spring Middle School Library hosted its annual storybook pumpkin painting contest during the month of October. Students and staff selected a book of their choice and painted a pumpkin to replicate the front cover or a favorite character from the story. Pumpkins trickled in all throughout the month. Participation doubled this year as there were a total of 33 entries! Throughout the school day Friday, October 29, students voted for their favorite pumpkin painted by a teacher, and teachers voted for their top three choices for best representation done by a student. 

The competition was tough this year. Everyone did such a wonderful job. The students and staff members who participated should be incredibly proud of their work. We are pleased to announce this year’s winners. Coming in third place was Katherine Lopez-Couto (7th) with her representation of Chicken Little. Runner-up honors went to Sammi Conner (6th) with her painting of Mike and Sully of Monsters Inc.  Our student champion this year went to Madi Cook (6th)!  Maddi painted E.T. from E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial. The winner representing the Stallion staff this year was Louise Krokstrom with her painting of The M&M Counting Book Congratulations Stallions! Thank you to all who participated.