- Spring Hill Schools
- Enrollment & New to the District
Enrollment & New to the District
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Spring Hill Schools offers online enrollment to families with new and/or returning students. For the 2025-26 school year, online enrollment will be available in July. The online enrollment system, powered by Skyward, allows you to do the following:
- Complete enrollment paperwork
- Complete transportation application
- Complete the free and reduced lunch application
- Complete volunteer registration
- Make payments toward textbook fees and meal accounts
Detailed directions are provided below for (1) families new to the district, (2) families currently in the district, (3) online enrollment, and (4) walk-in enrollment.
For families of returning students, if you do not have a Skyward username and password, please visit your student’s school and complete the Skyward Application Form. Skyward access gives you the ability to register online and access grades, assignments, attendance information, and messages from teachers and district staff.
Students shall attend the school designated for the attendance area in which the student resides. Under certain circumstances, however, a student may be permitted to transfer to a school outside the student's attendance area. Additionally, students outside the district can request a transfer into the district as space allows. Learn more about Transfer Requests.
Families New to the District
- If you are a family new to Spring Hill Schools or do not currently have an active student(s) in the district, complete new student online enrollment here.
- This login information will no longer be used afterward.
- Once you have completed new student online enrollment, you must visit your student’s school in person to complete the USD 230 New Student Enrollment Verification Form and provide the following:
- Parent/guardian identification
- Proof of residency
- Student birth certificate
- Immunization records
- Current physical
- School records (transfer students only)
- After your verification has been approved, you will receive your Skyward login and continue to the online enrollment directions.
Families Currently in the District
- If you are a family enrolling a new student and have a currently active student(s) in Spring Hill Schools, log on to Skyward here.
- Select the “NEW Student Application” located in the left-hand menu.
Online Enrollment
- Log on to Skyward here.
- Select the Online Enrollment option located on the left-hand menu.
- Complete all forms and/or checklists and update any necessary information.
Walk-in Enrollment
For families who do not have Internet access or need to register in person, staff will be available at individual school buildings for a walk-in enrollment event on July 25, 2024, 12:00-7:00 p.m. Please note the following:
- Interpreter services are available by appointment. Please email info@usd230.org to request interpreter services.
- Spring Hill High students need to enroll at the high school.
- Families with students in multiple buildings can complete enrollment in one location.
- For returning families without Internet access, you will be given your Skyward username and password, and then you may utilize the computers on-site to complete the online enrollment process.
If you have questions about the enrollment process or would like to sign up for Skyward, please visit the school or contact your school directly:
- Spring Hill Early Learning Academy, (913) 592-7222, shela-info@usd230.org
- Dayton Creek Elementary, (913) 592-7266, dces-info@usd230.org
- Prairie Creek Elementary, (913) 592-7255, pces-info@usd230.org
- Spring Hill Elementary, (913) 592-7277, shes-info@usd230.org
- Timber Sage Elementary, (913) 592-7244, tses-info@usd230.org
- Wolf Creek Elementary, (913) 592-7233, wces-info@usd230.org
- Forest Spring Middle, (913) 592-7388, fsms-info@usd230.org
- Spring Hill Middle, (913) 592-7288, shms-info@usd230.org
- Woodland Spring Middle, (913) 592-8188, wsms-info@usd230.org
- Spring Hill High, (913) 592-7299, shhs-info@usd230.org