• USD 230 logo next to the Queen's Price Chopper logoWe know you’ve experienced an employee going above and beyond for you, a student, a parent, a peer, or a community member! Please help us recognize that employee by completing the short 2024-25 Standing Ovation Nomination form.

    All employees nominated will be recognized with a certificate and three of the nominees (Administration, Certified, Classified) will be chosen as the monthly Price Chopper Standing Ovation honorees. The deadline for each month can be found on the Calendar

Standing Ovation Honorees

  • 2024-25 Standing Ovation Honorees

  • 2023-24 Standing Ovation Honorees

  • 2022-23 Standing Ovation Honorees

  • 2021-22 Standing Ovation Honorees

  • 2020-21 Standing Ovation Honorees

  • 2019-20 Standing Ovation Honorees

  • 2018-19 Standing Ovation Honorees

  • 2017-18 Standing Ovation Honorees

  • 2016-17 Standing Ovation Honorees

  • 2015-16 Standing Ovation Honorees