Frequently Asked Questions

  • How will the new bond affect the total mill levy?

  • I live in Olathe do my taxes go to Spring Hill schools?

  • If our house value is less than 200K, what will we be paying, and will we be in the vote?

  • How many bond levy tax increases can a district/city have in place occurring at the same time?

  • How many bonds are in effect currently for the school district?

  • How many years will the levy be in place increasing the RE tax?

  • Why was the savings from the last bond used for the 1-to-1 initiative instead of preparing for future growth?

  • How will the bond money for educational technology be spent?

  • Why does our school district cover so many square miles? Are other districts this big?

  • Why don't we just change the school district boundaries?

  • Would changing the school district boundaries keep our schools the same size?

  • Why doesn't the school district just expand schools to accommodate growth in the district?