• Meal Charging Limits

    The new charging policy goes into effect on July 1, 2017.  Please refer to Policy EE: District Charging [Updated July 12, 2021]

    Low Balance Email Alerts

    Families have the option of signing up for daily email notifications when students' meal accounts have a low balance of $5 and under. Email reminders will be automatically sent for each meal account when it reaches a $5 balance and will be sent daily with an updated balance below that amount.

    To opt-in to email notifications, follow these instructions:

    1. Login to Skyward Family Access
    2. Click on "My Account" located at the top by username
    3. Click in the box to "Receive Emails When Food Service Balance is Under $5" located at the bottom of the Account Settings page
    4. Save


    Please note that parents and guardians will need to follow these steps for each student.