Other than state aid, school districts depend on local taxes to fund public education. A portion of a homeowner's property taxes is provided to the local school district to help fund its schools and programs.
As a taxpayer in Miami or Johnson County, it is important that you understand your property tax bill. For each county, the Appraiser's Office is assigned the task of appraising, or valuing real estate and personal property at fair market value for tax purposes. The county appraiser does not set, nor collect taxes. After the appraiser has valued all property in the county, the information is provided to the Records and Tax Administration. Once the taxing jurisdictions set the mill levies for taxes and the county commissioners set the county budget, the county treasurer is assigned to collect the taxes. Ultimately, those taxes are divided up and given to the organizations that are listed on your personal tax bill.
To access information about Johnson County property taxes, please visit http://land.jocogov.org/default.aspx.
For more information about your Miami County property taxes, please visit http://www.miamicountyks.org/appraiser.html.