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Wolf Creek Elementary staff members strongly encourage students to participate in school activities. A wide range of activities will be available to students that help them explore interest areas and develop talents. Students also will enhance their citizenship skills and practice teamwork, which prepares them for life and their continued education.
Community service also will be strongly emphasized at Wolf Creek Elementary, including giving back to the local community and sharing globally. Community service and character go hand-in-hand, and character education will be an important part of students' learning continuum.
Whether it is a budding writing talent, a love of science, a musical bend or a desire to be physically active, Wolf Creek Elementary will have an activity that fits the talents and interests of all of our students. Check out information on the many activities available to students!
Character Education
Students at Wolf Creek Elementary understand the importance of “Great Character” as they work and play with other students throughout their day. WCES is committed to developing and encouraging positive character traits through the use of the school's seven character keys. Each of the character keys are taught and modeled through the guidance curriculum presented throughout the year. Teachers and other adults in the building discuss the importance of these key traits during classroom meetings and recognize students when they model the traits appropriately. During monthly Spotlight on Character Assemblies, students are recognized for their positive character in front of the entire student body.
Character Keys:
- Honesty
- Responsibility
- Respect
- Compassion
- Self-Discipline
- Perseverance
- Courage
Wolf Creek Elementary Character Pledge
I pledge to be honest, responsible, and self-disciplined in my actions.
Each day I will work to learn all I can, show courage and perseverance when there are challenges.
I will be respectful, compassionate, and caring as I work and play with others.
Community Service Club
Community Service Club was created in the Fall of 2016. Roughly 140 students have had the opportunity to participate in this wonderful club. The vision of the club is to help students understand the importance of helping others in need and learn the true meaning of generosity. We want to be a school that gives back to our community and makes a difference. Each month we are able to work on at least two projects, so needless to say we have been busy serving others each month.
I would like to share some of the ways we have served Spring Hill and the surrounding areas:
- Made placemats for Meals on Wheels for Miami and Johnson County.
- Made cards for Veterans and handed them out during our Veteran's Day Assembly.
- Filled shoe boxes with candy, socks, crafts, and toys for children who have a prolonged stay at Children's Mercy over the holidays.
- Stuffed brand new socks with healthy snacks for the homeless population in Kansas City.
- Made Valentine's Day cards for the local nursing homes.
- Stuffed Easter Eggs with candy for the Ronald McDonald House.
- Made special thank you cards for staff members.
- Decorated pots and planted flowers to give to someone special in their lives.
- Cleaned up trash and pulled weeds on school property.
- Donated canned goods to the Spring Hill Food Pantry from the Turkey Trot fun run.
I am truly amazed by the kindness WCES students continue to show and am so proud of their hard work and dedication to this club. I look forward to the future and the way we can continue to make a difference in small and big ways to better our community.
Wrangler Choir
The Wrangler Choir is an auditioned group of students who perform both at our school and throughout the community. Auditions are open to fourth and fifth grade students and the choir rehearses once a week after school.
We have performed for Veteran’s Day assemblies, Chamber of Commerce meetings, high school basketball games, residents of assisted living homes and have taken trips to perform at Crown Center, as well. We have also had 11 entries in the Kansas All-State Elementary Choir over the three years we’ve been in existence.
If you have any questions about our group, please contact Kimberly Demings via email at demingsk@usd230.org.