• Welcome to the WCES Library, a place where lots of great things are always happening! The goals of the library are for everyone to love reading and to learn how to use the available resources to become life-long learners! In the library, you can find the friendly face of Mrs. Preston, our Library Media Specialist.

    Schedule and Activities

    Our library has a flexible schedule. This means that the library space and the librarian are available for a variety of different learning opportunities. In the library, students learn about reading skills, books, genres, authors, research, and more. These learning opportunities may happen through games, cooperative learning, group work, research, and STEAM projects. Most importantly, students will locate great books to check out and read on their own.

    Meet the Librarian

    Hello! My name is Amanda Preston and I am the Library Media Specialist at Wolf Creek Elementary. My job is to help students love books and reading as much as I do!

    I have loved books for as long as I can remember! My favorite book growing up was The Grouchy Ladybug because my dad read it to me and he had the best voices for all the characters. From there, my love of books and reading just kept getting bigger and bigger!

    I knew I had to share that love of books with others. I attended college at MidAmerica Nazarene University in order to become a teacher. I taught second grade for six years. I loved teaching but I felt like I needed even more kids to know about all the great books that were out there just waiting to be read. So, I decided that I needed to become a librarian. And it is the best job in the whole world! I love being a librarian at Wolf Creek! 

    I live here in Spring Hill with my husband. We both work for USD 230. We enjoy spending time with our family and friends, as well as taking walks and watching movies. I LOVE to read and talk about all my great reads with others. So, if you have a favorite book, I hope you will share it with me!