• A strong connection between parent and family involvement in schools is key in ensuring a student’s academic achievement, attendance and attitude. In addition, giving parents and students the ability to access school-related information and resources is equally important to academic success.

    This site provides valuable information for Wolf Creek Elementary students and their families, including Skyward Family Access, meal menus, announcements, school supply list, school handbook, a photo gallery and much more! The goal is to provide easy access to programs and services that will assist students and parents.

    At Wolf Creek Elementary, our staff is committed to maintaining a school climate where families and their students feel welcomed and respected. Parents are encouraged to participate in their children's education by volunteering in the classroom, reinforcing school curriculum with activities at home, serving on school site councils and parent-teacher organizations and by maintaining open communication between home and school.

    The staff of Wolf Creek Elementary believes effective schools maintain positive relationships between home and school. Parent input and participation are always welcomed.

    Parent Input Form

    Parent input is welcome if you would like to share information that would support the classroom placement process. Please keep in mind that a request for a specific teacher by name will not be considered. We will accept consideration forms until Wednesday, April 27. You may email your form to coopere@usd230.org, or print and return the form to the WCES office. If you have any trouble printing or saving the form, you can contact the office in order to pick one up from the contactless drop-off area.