- Spring Hill Elementary
- School Site Council
The Spring Hill Elementary Site Council meets at least four times during the school year. Meetings usually last for 1 to 1 1/2 hours and are open to the public. The purpose of the Council is to serve as a liaison between the community and school in enhancing school improvement. Topics of discussion could include curricular information, student data, and district-wide initiatives.
Spring Hill Elementary School Site Council
Operational Guideline
2023 – 2024
Council Organization
Site Council (SC) membership shall include parents, teachers, and community representatives (such as business partners, etc.)
Membership will be on a rotating basis with members not serving more than two years.
The Site Council will have four SHES building meetings a year.
An established meeting schedule will be publicized on the SHES website calendar.
A written agenda will be prepared for each meeting. Agenda items may be submitted by Site Council members at the prior meeting.
The Site Council shall function as an advisory council to the school and district.
Minutes of each meeting will be recorded and filed with the district office.
Council Function
Site Council will operate within the Kansas Open Meeting Law.
The Site Council chairperson will preside over all Site Council meetings.
All Site Council members shall receive copies of the minutes. Minutes will be available and posted for all faculty.
The Site Council shall annually review district vision (goals), SIP, and student achievement through test scores. The Right to Privacy Act will be adhered to at all times so that no individual scores can be made available.
Every member of the Site Council will receive a copy of the school improvement plan.
Member Responsibilities
Collect information about school improvement needs from the community.
Review, discuss, and analyze collected information.
Provide input to the building school improvement plan.
Provide input to the district strategic plan.
Make or suggest recommendations to the principal, BOE, parents, and community if needed.
Evaluate achievements.
School and District Level Support
The school will provide data on assessment scores and accreditation to the Site Council.
To learn more about the role of site councils, please review the Kansas Association of School Boards' presentation: