- Spring Hill Elementary
- Homepage
Welcome to Spring Hill Elementary! Located in the city of Spring Hill, approximately 500 students in grades Kindergarten through fifth grade join us each day on their path to life-long learning. The school’s staff and families firmly believe that a strong early foundation in school leads to continued educational success. Our school also offers a wide range of activities and character education programs for students, and volunteer opportunities for families and the community.
Mission: We provide the foundational skills for staff and students that build upon each other to support the whole child.
Vision: Spring Hill Elementary will be a safe, supportive and positive environment that empowers ALL students to LEARN at high levels and become successful citizens.
- More than 90 staff members strive to provide educational opportunities that meet each child's unique needs.
- Our school pride is tops! We show off our school colors of purple and white, and we are the Colts.
- Built in 1995 and renovated in 2013, we have an open and modern facility that features an inviting media center as a focal point.
- Heavy emphasis on academics and character education.
- Excellent parent and community involvement.
- KSDE's Building Report Card
Spring Hill Elementary will use the 5 Rs as our top priorities or goals based on our data and staff feedback.
- Relationships
- Social Skill Training
- Improve Collaboration Meetings
- Improve School-Wide Positive Behavior Supports
- Relevance
- Teaching Strategies that will Ensure Success with KCCRS
- Analyze Assessments to Guide Instruction
- Differentiation
- Responsive Culture
- Improve the Student Improvement Team
- Progress Monitor Mastery of KCCRS
- Results
- Increase District Assessment Class Averages
- Reduce At-Risk Population through Reading Acceleration for K-2 Students
- Data Collection and Analysis
- Rigor
- Experiential and Project Based Learning
- Planning so that students are Evaluating, Analyzing and Creating
- Questioning Techniques
Accessibility of Facilities
To obtain specific information as to the existence and location of services, activities, and facilities that are accessible to and usable by persons with disabilities please contact the school Principal at (913) 592-7277.