- Spring Hill Elementary
- Nurse's Office
- Medication Policy
Nurse's Office
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In compliance with current policies recommended by the Kansas State Department of Education, U.S.D. 230 will not administer any prescription medications without the annual physician's and parent's written permission. Over-the-counter medications may be administered with a parent's annual written permission. All student medications must be kept in the health room and given by the school nurse or trained staff member.
Prescription medications must be brought to school in the original container/package dispensed by the pharmacist with the student's name and medication information printed on the label. The physician's authorization form must be dated and include:
Student name and birth date
- Medication
- Dosage
- Route of administration
- Reason the medication is prescribed
- Time(s) to be administered
- Duration of administration, i.e. entire year, 5 days, 1 month, etc.
Self-Administered Medications for students needing emergency allergy response (such as an Epi-Pen or Albuterol Inhaler)will need this form: Student Self-Administration of Medication Acknowledgement and Waiver of Liability as required by BOE policy JGFGBA. This is an annual requirement for families who need their students to carry and administer their own medication.
Over-the-counter medications provided by the health room stock may include acetaminophen (Tylenol), ibuprofen (Motrin), diphenhydramine (Benadryl), Tums, cough drops, antibiotic ointment and anti-itch ointment. Acetaminophen, ibuprofen, and diphenhydramine may be administered based on the age/weight-appropriate dosing information and with the parent's consent.
Controlled medications such as those used to treat Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and behavioral or emotional conditions should be hand-delivered to the school nurse or trained staff member by the parent or guardian if the physician instructs the student to have the medication during the school day. The parent or guardian together with the school nurse or trained staff member will count in these medications and document. At the end of the school year, the parent or guardian together with the school nurse or trained staff member will count out the unused medications and document.
Herbal, natural and homeopathic remedies are unregulated and their potential for harm is great in a school setting where a student's complete medical history and medication history may be unknown. The school nurse will not administer such remedies due to the risk inherent to student safety in administering a product that lacks published data about its safety, efficacy, and dosages for children.