• The Spring Hill High PALS program is a peer helping program in which students are selected by their peers and trained to serve as peer helpers with their peers. The mission of the PAL® Peer Assistance and Leadership program is to enable young people to use their potential to make a difference in their lives, schools and communities.

    PAL® students learn to adapt the power of peer pressure to influence others positively and, ultimately, they make a difference in the lives of others! Positive peer influence is utilized as a central strategy for addressing issues like bullying, low achievement, at-risk youth, drop-out prevention, substance abuse prevention, teen pregnancy, suicide, absenteeism, behavior problems, and other community issues.

    Staff Sponsors


    The curriculum used for training is from PAL® Peer Assistance and Leadership, an award-winning, Nationally Recognized Evidence-Based Prevention Program owned and operated by the non-profit organization, Workers Assistance Program, Inc. (WAP). This curriculum must be implemented by an adult who has been trained and certified through PAL® in order to keep fidelity to the curriculum. The curriculum is taught to PALS students at a three-day, two-night retreat in the fall of each school year.

  • Important Dates

  • PALS Peer Helper