• JCCC Concurrent Enrollment Information

    You can earn JCCC college credits at the same time you earn SHHS high school credits for these classes:



    English Composition I and II

    College Biology


    Medical Terminology

    College Algebra

    Students can also take courses with (administrative permission) on the  JCCC Campus. 


    Additional Information regarding JCCC course opportunities:

    College Now Courses (Statistics, Calculus, Composition I and II, College Biology, CNA, Medical Terminology)

    Quick Step Plus Courses (College Algebra)

    Quick Step COURSES A Quick Step course is ANY course taken on the JCCC campus or online. Enrolling in a Quick Step class is almost entirely up to the student.  Students must first apply to JCCC if they have not been previously admitted. After acceptance, the student may enroll in the course. Important JCCC enrollment dates can be found HERE. When the student is successfully enrolled in the JCCC class, the student must submit a CONCURRENT ENROLLMENT STUDY FORM to their counselor. Two courses will be dropped from the student's high school schedule if the course is taken on the JCCC campus, while one course will be dropped if the course is taken online.

    Please Note: Students who are participating in KSHSAA sponsored sports or activities must understand that one three-hour JCCC course is equivalent in credit to one semester of high school credit (.5). Five courses (Guided Study Hall, Advisory, and TA don’t count) are required for a student to be eligible for any Kansas State High School Activities Association activity. Students typically receive only college credit for a Quick Step class. Final grades will be recorded on a JCCC transcript only.  Students must request a transcript be sent from JCCC to SHHS AND notify the counseling office that they want JCCC credit added to their high school transcript.  Students who are participating in any KSHSAA activity will be required to put the minimum five courses on their high school transcript.