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USD 230 Board of Education Meeting Summary, 1/27/25
The Spring Hill School District Board of Education held a session at Spring Hill Elementary School on January 27, 2025, covering various topics, including a new website vendor and the acquisition of a box truck to be used by maintenance and food services.
Student Lighthouse Team
Members of Spring Hill Elementary School’s Student Lighthouse Team gave a presentation on the organization, designed to help identify and nurture potential leaders from within the student ranks. The team has had a busy semester, planning a Veterans Day assembly and a family math night, among other events. Its goal for the current semester includes raising and tracking student proficiencies in reading and math and improving peer behavior by using conflict resolution techniques.
Good news, recognition, and announcements
Dr. Luttrell reported that the district had its first two-hour late start last week due to the snowstorm and that despite those conditions, districtwide attendance for that day hovered between 86 and 87%.
Website vendor presentation
Led by Stephanie Neiger, the Communications Department made a presentation about their recommended website vendor, Apptegy, based out of Arkansas and currently being used by more than 4,000 school districts nationwide. Mrs. Neiger also introduced Chris Olsen, a videographer and the department’s newest employee.
Features and functions of the website software include all information appearing in one centralized location (A one-click solution for all schools at one time). Users will receive notifications if the content is undeliverable. If the user needs to update their communication info, they must contact their school Admin to update the Skyward Database.
Every feature and function will be webpage-specific, and the 1:1 option is an additional cost to adopt. Board members inquired about Apptegy’s use among coaches. Mrs. Neiger said the district needs more time to determine best practices but has researched those practices from nearby districts, including Gardner-Edgerton.
The department has sent a survey to the district’s families. They received 292 responses. Among the questions, respondents were asked where they currently receive most of their information, and a supermajority said they use social media on their phones to receive updates. The most searched information was staff directories, calendars, and meal menus.
In response, Mrs. Neiger notified the board that Apptegy’s feed would send out such information to each school’s social media accounts.
A primary goal is to get away from the number of active website pages; now, USD 230’s website has thousands. Some of the site’s content will merge, and the department wants to ensure it can quickly move over.
Mrs. Neiger also noted that district leaders need to assess who should have access, and the app should be pushed everywhere as the first place you go to be notified about anything related to the district.
If approved, the app will go live on June 1; the district’s current site will go dark on July 1.
The Board will vote on the adoption of Apptegy at its next meeting.
Two-way radios
Board members discussed the adoption of two-way radios that use encrypted channels. The high school already uses them and has had a positive experience.
The average battery life of each device is three years when used daily. In an emergency, the radios can be programmed to function on any building’s channel.
District fees
Mr. Schwinn recommended that specific fees be increased for the 2025-26 school year, including preschool (an additional $20 per month) and lunch (an extra 20 cents per meal).
Box truck for maintenance and food service
Mr. Schwinn said that the district currently has two trucks for maintenance and food service needs and leases them through Enterprise. Recently, Enterprise asked if we would be interested in a box truck. They said we could opt for a 1-year cash lease at a significant discount. Mr. Schwinn said he believes the district should go in that direction. One of the current trucks is a 2000 model.
Action items
-The Board approved the consent agenda.
-Board members voted to acquire the box truck presented.