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USD 230 Board of Education Meeting Summary, 7/22/2024
The meeting record transcript covers a regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Education on July 22. The key topics discussed included the approval of the agenda, consent agenda items, new textbooks for Carpentry One and Auto Home and Life courses at Spring Hill High School, an architect contract update, the Spring Hill High School pavement project, and future discussion items. The board approved the agenda, consent agenda, new textbooks, and a new credit card provider for district expenses. Updates were provided on the architect contract process, with the master planning component to be discussed further at the next meeting. The high school pavement project encountered challenges, requiring additional funds and adjustments but is expected to be completed before the start of the school year. Future discussion items mentioned include cell phone use policies, staff training, facility assessments, and the addition of a third school resource officer. The board also discussed the upcoming Kansas Association of School Boards conference and the start of the new school year on August 13.
Discussion Items
Meeting Start and Agenda Approval
The meeting was called to order, roll was taken, confirming a quorum. The agenda was approved following a motion and second. The board recited the Pledge of Allegiance and read the district's mission and vision statements.
Consent Agenda Approval
The consent agenda, which included minutes, reports, payroll, claims, personnel, special education contracts, teaching and learning renewals, and a sports live contract, was approved after a motion and second.
New Credit Card Provider
The board approved a new credit card provider, First Option Bank, for district expenses when students and staff travel. The new provider was chosen for meeting the district's needs and providing additional benefits.
Textbook Approval
The board approved new textbooks for Carpentry One and Auto Home and Life courses at Spring Hill High School. This followed a presentation by the Career and Technical Education Coordinator, with textbooks selected based on a pilot evaluation and alignment with state standards.
Architect Contract and Master Planning Update
An update was given on the architect contract process with DLR Group. The board's attorney reviewed the initial contract, with revisions sent back to DLR. The master planning component will be discussed further at the next meeting, detailing deliverables, timelines, and costs.
Spring Hill High School Pavement Project Update
The high school pavement project encountered challenges, necessitating additional funds from the contingency and scope adjustments. While some areas were completed, others were postponed until the following year due to soil issues. The project is expected to be substantially completed before the start of the school year.
Future Discussion Items and Board Work Calendar
Future discussion items include cell phone use policies, with a state board task force appointed to study the issue, staff training, facility assessments, and the addition of a third SRO. The board work calendar was discussed, including upcoming assessment data, program reports, budget development, and the revenue-neutral hearing.
Executive Session and Action Item:
The board went into an executive session to discuss personnel matters. After returning, an action item was approved related to the executive session discussion.
Action Items Recap:
Approve the agenda as presented.
Approve the consent agenda as presented.
Approve action item 7.01 to have First Option Bank as the credit card provider for district expenses when students and staff travel.
Approve new textbooks for Carpentry One and Auto Home and Life courses at Spring Hill High School as presented.
This summary captures key points and action items from the USD 230 Board Meeting on July 22, 2024. Click the link to view the full meeting.