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USD 230 Board of Education Meeting Summary, 7/8/2024
The meeting record transcript details a regularly scheduled meeting of the USD 230 Board of Education. Key topics discussed include the election of board officers, approval of agenda items, organizational items for the 2024-2025 school year, asphalt repairs at Spring Hill High School, an architect and engineering contract for master planning and community engagement, an updated transfer request timeline, and the addition of a cell phone policy review to the board work calendar. Several action items were approved, including: Approval of the agenda, minutes, personnel items, special education department services agreement, and an invoice for the Parents as Teachers program. Election of Nicole Melius as Board President and Doug Hull as Vice President. Approval of organizational items for the 2024-2025 school year, including the appointment of a board treasurer, Kansas Association of School Boards representative, virtual school liaison, and Spring Hill Rec Commission liaison. Approval of a change order and contingency amount totaling $601,251.40 for asphalt paving work at Spring Hill High School. Approval of a contract with DLR Group for architectural, engineering, master planning, and community engagement services, with a focus on gathering community consensus through user groups and outreach efforts. The meeting also included discussions on the Spring Hill Sports Live contract for broadcasting school events, a new credit card program with First Option Bank, the cell phone policy and pilot program implementation, and the addition of a cell phone policy review to the September 23rd board meeting agenda.
Election of Board Officers
The board held elections for the positions of Board President and Vice President. Nicole Melius was elected as Board President, and Doug Hull was elected as Vice President.
Organizational Items for 2024-2025 School Year
The board approved various organizational items for the upcoming school year, including the appointment of a board treasurer, Kansas Association of School Boards representative, virtual school liaison, and Spring Hill Rec Commission liaison.
6.07 Treasurer - Doug Schwinn
6.10 Board of Education Clerk - Rachel Henderson
6.16 Legal Counsel - Greg Goheen, MVP Law
6.17 Auditor - Gordon CPA
6.26 Doug Hull is the liaison
6.35 Site Council
Spring Hill High School- Nicole Melius
Spring Hill Middle School- Sharon Mitchell
Forest Spring Middle School- Nicole Melius
Woodland Spring Middle School- Doug Hull
Prairie Creek Elementary School- Doug Hull
Spring Hill Elementary School- Jon Chitwood
Wolf Creek Elementary School- Keith Ewing
Timber Sage Elementary School- Anna Baker
Dayton Creek Elementary School- April Horne
Spring Hill Early Learning Academy- April Horne
Insight School of Kansas- Sharon Mitchell
***The board addressed several organizational items for the 2024-2025 school year. This included the appointment of Doug Schwinn as the district treasurer and the naming of representatives for various roles such as the Kansas Association of School Boards Governmental Relations Network representative and the liaison for the virtual school. Sharon Mitchell agreed to continue as the liaison for the virtual school, while Doug Hull was confirmed as the liaison for the Spring Hill Recreation Commission. The board also discussed negotiation representatives and site council designees for each school within the district.
Discussion Items
Architect and Engineering Contract
The board discussed and approved a contract with DLR Group for architectural, engineering, master planning, and community engagement services. The contract focuses on gathering community consensus through user groups and outreach efforts as the district explores managing growth and potential bond issues.
Updated Transfer Request Timeline
The board discussed updates to the transfer request timeline for the upcoming school year, including changes to application windows, kindergarten enrollment, and notification deadlines.
Board Work Calendar
The board discussed adding a review of the cell phone policy and pilot program implementation to the September 23rd board meeting agenda.
Superintendent's Report
The superintendent provided updates on upcoming district meetings, a work session focused on the budget and school finance, and the opening ceremony for the new school year.
Executive Session
The board went into an executive session to discuss personnel matters and non-elected personnel.
Action Items
Revenue Neutral Rate Intent
The board discussed and approved the revenue neutral rate intent form, which is required by the county for publishing proposed mill rates. This form is not binding but is necessary for the county to publish and notify residents of the proposed tax rates.
Spring Hill Sports Live Contract
BJ Harris from Spring Hill Sports Live presented the contract for the upcoming year. The service provides live streaming of various school events, with no cost to the district. The board expressed appreciation for the service, particularly for its coverage of graduation and sports events, which allows distant family members to watch. Harris highlighted the expansion of coverage to additional schools and the continuous effort to improve broadcast quality.
Spring Hill High School Asphalt Repairs
The board discussed and approved a change order and contingency amount totaling $601,251.40 for asphalt paving work at Spring Hill High School. The discussion included details on the scope of work, potential issues with moisture and subgrade, and the need for a full-depth replacement in certain areas.
Architect and Engineering Contract
Approval of a contract with DLR Group for architectural, engineering, master planning, and community engagement services, with a focus on gathering community consensus through user groups and outreach efforts
Addition of a cell phone policy review to the September 23rd board meeting agenda
The meeting concluded with a call for any additional questions or comments. With no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
This summary captures the key points and decisions made during the USD 230 Board of Education meeting on July 8, 2024.