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USD 230 Board of Education Meeting Summary, 6/24/2024
By Marissa Winkel, For Spring Hill Schools
The Spring Hill Schools Board of Education met June 24, 2024 at the District Administrative Center to discuss several items. The following are important highlights from the meeting:
Action Items
In a previous meeting, Nusret Ozakinci, Spring Hill High Orchestra instructor, presented information requesting for a trip to Orlando, Fl. for the high school orchestra to attend. There was discussion of the benefits of discovered price decreases, as well as planning to be made. The trip was approved by the Board.
Discussed in the previous meeting, new casualty/compensation and workers rates will come into effect for the fiscal year. Jay Hastert, with Elliott Insurance, provided the overview of quotes of these rates and reasoning for why rates increased. Recommendations were made for deductible changes in order to result in money saved on behalf of USD 230. The Board approved of these changes and considerations.
Discussion Items
Dr. Joshua Robinson, assistant superintendent, provided an overview of policy updates. These are updates on the district’s policies that are necessary based on either general statute, federal legislation, or USD 230’s independently affiliated concerns. The decision was made to eliminate policy BBG due to duplications of policy CJ’s material and misalignment of the two. Additionally, policy BCBK, relating to Board meeting Executive Sessions, was revised. This policy was shortened and adjusted to align with the Open Meetings Act. Revisions were required by law for policy EBVG, which relates to cardiac emergency response planning. School district is already in alignment with EBVG’s new standards. GARIA is another policy that went into effect last year, which provided accommodations for new mothers under the Pump Act. ‘Title 9’ is set to impact several district policies, one of which is relating specifically to pregnancy discrimination. As Kansas legislation is still in process, other policies related to ‘Title 9’ are anticipated for adjustment for the future. Additionally, JBCC, policy for non-resident enrollment, also has revised expectations. JBCC will be set to grandfather students who previously were allowed enrollment in the district having lived outside of the district. Significant changes to application dates were also made. Lastly, policy JDAA provides clarification on policy related to prescription drugs, allowing the district to administer discipline for student misuse/distribution of drugs.
Michelle Hackney, director of HR, provided personnel reports on retention through the district. Hackney discussed the analysis of staff entering and exiting the district, and the related data to those findings. The HR team gathered info via Stay Interviews, Exit Interviews, Surveys, and In-Person observations. Discussion was also made on future improvements to consider for the district as a whole, as well as successful progress of current changes and improvements.
Doug Schwinn, director of finances, provided an overview of the notice received by Johnson County on account of Revenue Neutral Rate intent. This signals the deadline expected for the annual Revenue Neutral rate. The district annually decides on mill levy rates– whether the district plans to exceed the revenue neutral rate, or keep it the same as the previous year. The current Notice of Revenue Neutral Rate Intent, deems the intention of exceeding the revenue neutral rate. This discussion involved no binding decision, but involved acknowledgment that this submission is due for July. Decisions on such will be further discussed and approved in a future meeting.
The complete agenda and presented information are available by visiting BoardDocs.
The complete meeting recording is available by visiting the Spring Hill Schools YouTube channel.