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WSMS Honors Veterans, 11/08/2022

The Student Council of Woodland Spring Middle School will be hosting a Veterans Day Assembly on Thursday, November 10th at 9:00 a.m. In honor of our nation’s veterans, the WSMS 7th and 8th grade bands will be featured as well as the WSMS and SHMS choirs as they perform The Star Spangled Banner and Valley Forge


In addition to our musical and literary performances, we are very fortunate to have two members of art teacher Mrs. Gazzano's family joining us as our guest speakers.  Both are retired members of our nation’s military and have much to share with us. Please help us welcome Lieutenant Colonel Lee Gazzano and Sergeant Nick Gazzano.


We welcome all veterans and their families to join us at the assembly. There will be light refreshments for you following the presentation.