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Scholastic Book Fair is Back!, 09/22/2023

The Scholastic Book Fair is coming to WSMS October 2-6! Choosing their own books empowers students and inspires them to become bolder, prouder, and stronger readers. As always, every book they buy earns rewards for our school to help grow our classroom and school libraries as well as fund future library activities.  

Here’s what you need to know about the Fair: 

  • The Fair is open to students for preview days September 28 & 29. 

  • The Fair officially opens for purchases on Monday, October 2. ELA teachers will be bringing classes into the library to visit the Book Fair throughout the week, and 

  • we will be open throughout the school day from 7:45-3:30. 

  • We will also be open Wednesday evening, October 4 until 7:00 PM.

  • We will again be holding a school-wide advisory room “All for Books Coin Drive Challenge” competition beginning Monday, September 25. The coin drive will not only help WSMS classrooms and the library, but Scholastic will match what we raise to give toward The Scholastic Possible Fund which provides books to children of all ages through various organizations. The advisory room that donates the most money throughout the week next week, will win “Book Bucks” to spend at the Book Fair! Each student in the advisory class will be awarded $5.00 to put toward their purchase at the fair.

    • Monday - Penny Day

    • Tuesday - Nickel Day

    • Wednesday - Dime Day

    • Thursday - Quarter Day

    • Friday - Anything Goes Day


  • This year, say goodbye to cash and hello to an eWallet—your child’s digital payment account! Before the Fair, parents are encouraged to set up eWallet for worry-free, cash-free purchases. Accounts can be set up on our Book Fair homepage.

  • Cash and credit cards will be accepted in addition to eWallet.

Can’t make it to the Fair?  Shop at our school’s Online Book Fair. All orders ship directly to your home, and shipping is free for book orders over $25. Your online orders will benefit our school.

Visit our Book Fair homepage to learn more. You can get started with eWallet and online shopping at:

Our goal this year is to sell 600 books. Reaching this goal will help us to build our school and classroom libraries, as well as fund future library sponsored activities. If we are able to meet our goal the week of the fair, we will celebrate with an ice cream party courtesy of the WSMS library and Blue Bell! Students won’t want to miss an opportunity have their principals, Mr. Carter and Mr. Peavey, serve them ice cream while dressed in ice cream costumes! That’s right! Please, help us reach our goal, and parents, if you are interested in helping the week of the fair, check out our volunteer link. For more information, you may contact Mrs. Burman at Thank you!