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Students Take Over #FridaysFab5, 03/03/2022
7th and 8th grade ELA students are showcasing great books this spring as they present video book talks using the Maverick Library’s #FridaysFab5 platform. Students were assigned a book project third quarter that had them reading a 200-page narrative book of their choice, mapping out the plot, constructing a two-part quiz that included vocabulary and comprehension questions, and presenting a digital book talk that promotes the book.
8th grade ELA teacher, Ashley Jasper, made the connection to have students offer their videos to be included in #FridaysFab5. “#FridaysFab5 does a great job of introducing students to a variety of books, and nobody gives better recommendations to students than their peers.” Submitting the video for use in the weekly showcase is entirely optional.
Student responses to the project have been mixed. Some have enjoyed reading the book and recording their talk, but were too nervous to have their video shared. Others stated their favorite part was designing the quiz. For some students, learning the ins and outs of iMovie was challenging but fun. Other students have been able to showcase their incredible video editing skills.
Mrs. Cheek, SHMS Maverick Librarian, started #FridaysFab5 in August 2020 to promote reading during USD230’s remote learning in response to the CoronaVirus pandemic. Each week, the library has recorded and shared a video to the ELA teachers for viewing during class. The weekly video highlights five titles from the library collection as a way to help students identify books they might want to read. The idea for the weekly booktalks is part of Mrs. Cheek’s written plan for building a reading culture at SHMS. “It’s a natural next step for students to take over the content of #FridaysFab5. As readers, we share what we enjoy reading so others can appreciate it with us.”
To view this week’s #FridaysFab5, visit the SHMS Maverick Library Google site at: https://sites.google.com/usd230.org/shms-bookhub/home/fridaysfab5. Be sure to visit weekly throughout the fourth quarter to see more student created entries.