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Dodgeball is back!, 02/25/2022

After missing a year, teams will be competing in the SHMS annual dodgeball tournament! Canceled last spring due to Covid-19 and remote learning, Spring Hill Middle School is gearing up for what one teacher has called, “the best day ever.”

Participation is voluntary. Grade-level teams have ten players and each player pays $10 to participate. Registration packets are available from Mr. Pope and Mrs. Thimesch and must be turned in by Friday, March 4th.

The action begins after school on Monday, March 7th with the 7th grade double elimination tournament. Tuesday, March 8th will have 6th graders competing after school and 8th graders wrap up the preliminary rounds on Wednesday the 9th. Each of the evening tournaments runs from 3:30-5:00 pm. The winner from each grade level will earn the right to play in the championship bracket at the all-school assembly on Thursday, March 10th. The staff dodgeball team rounds out the participants for Thursday's showdown. Parents are encouraged to come and cheer on the competition.

Healthy Living instructor, Jill Thimesch, feels this is a “fun opportunity for both students and staff to play and benefit a great cause.” Monies raised in the tournament are used to fund new equipment for the Healthy Living program. Goals this year include replacing dumbbells in the weight room and a new set of dodgeballs.