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Staff Spotlight - Mr. Ramos; 10/24/2024

Amamos a nuestras nuevas maestras! Each year at Woodland Spring we welcome a handful of new staff members to our school family. This year, Mr. Ramos is one of our new classroom teachers, taking over our foreign language and Spanish program. As a new staff member, it is helpful for us to get to know them a little better, so we sat down with Mr. Ramos and asked him a few questions. 


Mr. Ramos is not new to the teaching field. He told us that he has been teaching for twenty-eight years, starting during college working in a head-start program. He has taught all secondary and post-secondary levels of education, working in middle schools, high schools, and college. When asked what his favorite stop had been so far, he told us middle school because it is a stepping stone to a future in Spanish. He tries to incorporate the language into his daily life by listening to Spanish music in his car after school and watching Spanish television shows in the evening. 


We asked Mr. Ramos why he chose to move schools after teaching at his previous school for a few years, and he said he was excited to start in a new district and building. We have loved having Mr. Ramos as a teacher this year and are excited to continue to learn a new language from him. Vamos Sementales!


Written by: Jamison Jenkins (8) and Anna Chaulk (8)

Edited by Mr. Schneider