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Fire Safety at Wolf Creek, 10/21/2024

Fire Safety at Wolf Creek

October is Fire Safety month. Wolf Creek. Students had the opportunity to learn some fire safety tips from the experts themselves…the Spring Hill Fire Department! These important community helpers spent Wednesday morning at Wolf Creek meeting with students during their specials classes. The theme this year was “Close Before You Doze”. The upper grade levels watched a video that showed the difference in air quality when a door is open versus closed if a fire occurs while sleeping at night. Younger students practiced Stop, Drop, Cover their face, and Roll when smoke occurs. Students were able to see firefighter gear, learn about the importance of smoke detectors, as well as tour the fire truck. 

Parents Safety Tip: A way to help your child learn their address or phone number is to use the address or phone number as a code to enter electronics.  For example, the address of 12345 can be the code to enter for mom’s phone.